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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2013 7:00pm-7:29pm EST

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french troops secure one of the shares biggest uranium mines after the country's president confirms he asked paris for help fearing islam this attacks this is he pushes for a better deal from the nuclear dependent frets. while in neighboring mali eyewitnesses report a number of civilian casualties as french led troops battle islam is militants for control of the country. as john kerry starts his term is the us secretary of state a new study finds some foreign service personnel are paying for the privilege to serve by donating millions to get the plum jobs. and in kuwait yet another activist tossed in jail for criticizing the emir on twitter sparking protests
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against the country's ruler. in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t we begin in new share where the president has confirmed the presence of french troops at one of the country's biggest uranium mines in arlit he said the special forces were asked to come in to avoid a repetition of last month's hostage crisis in neighboring algeria and the mining site has itself been the scene of a kidnapping two years ago and those taken hostage at that time haven't yet been freed or he's shown thomas reports. the mine in question is the olive facility a location in which the french company a river has a large stake now it's important to know that this is the second mission in africa completely separate from france's mission in mali which has been going on for nearly a month as neighbors mali and the situation very continues to remain unstable the
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french government is making it clear that they are ready and willing to protect their assets in the region and on the african continent as a whole well they've pointed to the incident that happened last month in eastern algeria when islam ists took over a gas plant there eventually leading to forty eight people being killed thirty seven of those foreign workers france is predicting that more islamist retaliation to french presence in africa is likely and they say they want to prevent a tragic situation like this from happening again but then again there is the world's fifth largest producer of uranium a product that is vital to the french economy in fact it's estimated that nearly all or at least seventy five percent of france's electric infrastructure is dependent on nuclear power given this it makes sense that france would want to protect that resource at all cost the president has welcomed the french presence in the country and recognizes the need for the avid security but has also stated that they want to better deal when it comes to uranium exports meijers economy is also largely dependent on your radio as well critics have already been wary of french
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involvement in mali claiming that the real motivation is a return to imperialism economic policy and a stronger control of a region that used to be french territory now with france's expansion into neighboring countries compiled with president expressing his concerns those critics now have a bit more that they can chew on john laughlin from the institute for democracy and cooperation think securing natural resources isn't the only goal france has in the region and the two main crisis in this province isn't just to strengthen the role of the international stage in particular piece of being a european. and also the american street. egypt plans for africa it's important to know that america which strongly supports france in this mali and intervention has planned its full establishing a military presence in the military control over the whole of the african continent some people speculated that used the phrase that this was america leading from
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behind that america decided to put forward its european allies to do as it were it's just like in a continent where as i'm sure many of your youth viewers know china has been establishing an economic presence now very successfully for a large number of years so there is a scramble for africa isn't there or is it just to grab some resources yes it is obvious that the securing of energy resources is one of the key factors behind many if not most political developments today and that's why i say that the of course the issue of hydrocarbons and uranium and other energy sources is a key and may be the decisive factor french forces have seen action in neighboring mali with fighter planes targeting muslim terrorist strongholds in the northeast of the country where president declared his troops are victorious in the northern cities the campaign is now heading into the desert but at some increasing reports
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of civilian killed in the fighting. francoise hollande victorious trip to timbuktu marked the declaration that three major cities in northern mali have been declared liberated from rebels although the sharia law and islamic extremism of the rebels and forced will not soon be forgotten nevertheless this victory is a partial one the militants have merely retreated and fled and the suffering in this war has seemed disproportionate to the gains made we're learning what happened in battle day by day in the town of qana we heard stories from the fog of war this is small settlement in the mopti region was seized by the more yo tribe they fled to the north when french troops showed up but it's reported that the cost of that victory was high while french planes killed only two rebels the number of civilian casualties was an estimated fourteen. i wasn't home when the bombing began i started praying when i learned my house was under attack they ruined everything i
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had my family and my livelihood my wife's name was i mean she was forty my son ali was eleven when adam was turned and so you know who was six they all died. people such as this farmer ask themselves if the victory was worth it i mean we also met the campo family who had suffered badly when the bombing began everyone's got the compote lost two of their son of unable to swim they drowned in the river in the fighting. we also heard the story of a young mother who died from shelters leaving three children behind a newborn baby. the village was a complete mess it's impossible to describe how many discuss things i know for sure and i can say that all we had is gotten. few proving we had some kids came running up to us and said their mom had donated but i brought them to our house their
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mother died after an hour of cleaning too like the children have nobody else but us screaming as they got out there is a disaster visited every house in the town people reject anything the military claims about victory and say war crimes must be prosecuted under the geneva convention towns like qana want more than just compassion people who suffered at the hands of terrorist groups and drug traffickers are now facing the misery inflicted by warfare it's about that you order without guns our wants. for our tea . the president has acted decisively in mali at home the french are growing impatient for action particularly they say on the economy where if an ocean reports from paris unemployment continues to rise despite promising to create more than one hundred thousand new jobs. well president on land is welcomed as a liberator in mali have to france's military operation against the islamists occupation back at home crowds are also gathered but with
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a starkly different mood where people are fired up over the continued decline of europe's second largest economy despite the president's promises to create at least one hundred thousand new jobs the nation is shedding them at an alarming rate last november about a thousand every day the worst figures in years the country's unemployment is approaching a shocking eleven percent with more than three million jobless the french daily lives claims that the exact situation could be even worse if official statistics included youngsters never registered for the unemployment program or those who left it and those stuck with part time work the paper says the rate would then triple but there are certain. people expected to have a strong president and they understand that on doesn't have enough experience or competence to improve things the last two weeks as we see from. the fans who are so you know believes the strategic mistake was to rectify the e.u.
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so-called three percent treaty force in france to reduce its budget deficit down from four point five percent by hiking taxes and cutting spending. but while harsh criticism expected from the opposition disapprovals also been growing from like minded left wingers or complain but i think the president especially of a country like france one of six e.u. founders should be strong enough to say stop to others and say hey i have my nation behind me and they elected me to make changes instead he surrendered because he's more worried about the country's debt and the ratings agencies make. in a short video french communists put together some of our lawns major presidential campaign vows none of which they say came true. look what that's going to be on the value added tax increase. i think it's an appropriate and unjustified and unreasonable and too hasty. what happened to
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well that's to remind the president do you remember you promised to review the european treaty you didn't do that your german bring said a three percent deficit isn't real but now only say it's possible etc etc you can't do what you promised meanwhile recent polls show only to rise in the spring she does that leave eighteen thirty four percent january to december through two percent and the lawyers see salons to office in may. every week that is a new subject to discuss in the french media to draw people's attention from the real problems like gay monitor deployed you are now molly this strategy may work but not for long. enough to a land wonder french election last year some analysts described his victory as a victory against his predecessor. rather the long now seen anything of the past that. in the. months of the presidency have been anything but sunny happenings and even his one staunch supporters predict even harder times lie ahead
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for the leader of the country's municipal elections in two thousand and fourteen have he's currently held great significance and will show whether it can forget and forgive. me for not seeing from paris. and still to come on the program when getting the royal treatment is unwelcome we report on how the way it's willing to put people behind bars simply for criticizing the monarchy plus. the artistic director of moscow's ballet heads to germany for treatment this after he announced he knows who was behind the acid attack on him more than two weeks ago that's all still to come. but first as john kerry begins his new term as the u.s. secretary of state many of the ambassadors serving under him were major donors to the president's campaign a new report says this year's competition among big money backers to land plum diplomatic spots was especially tight or his government has more. as you can
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imagine the competition for diplomatic post is tough especially in safe and wealthy countries somewhere in western europe and asia a recent study by two professors of international relations at pennsylvania state university looked at available information on president obama's donors direct political contributions and the positions that they received and they concluded that those whose political connections to president obama were measured in dollars for the administration service had an increased chance of representing the united states and western europe and a smaller chance of serving in say central asia or sub-saharan africa donors and advisers involved in the diplomatic selection process say the competition this year has been so tight that those who have raised less than a million dollars are for the most part unlikely to be considered so what is the quote unquote price tag for the highly sought diplomatic posts according to this study friends and monaco topped the list with a level of personal contributions at six point two million dollars quote unquote
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the price for a position in the u.k. the authors find appears to live between six hundred fifty thousand dollars and two point three million dollars a posting in luxembourg is valued as three point one million dollars and appointment to portugal was predicted to have a value of around six hundred thousand dollars like all modern presidents before him president obama has appointed friends and donors to about thirty percent of diplomatic posts while seventy percent of the posts go to career diplomats so judging by this research career diplomats go to places like yemen while big donors go to monaco nobody of course calls it bribery here these are just respectable donors who get what they want when they pay the price mourners coming your way after a short break stay with us. well
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. technology innovation all these developments from around russia. the future covered. more news today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. operations around the day.
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thanks for staying with us here on our t.v. quarter past the hour now we're now bolshoi ballet's artistic director will get treatment in germany in hopes of saving his eyesight this after sergei filin had acid thrown in his face a little more than two weeks ago while feeling claims he knows exactly who was behind the attack no one has yet been arrested or he's really to lose go has been. he is doing rather well surprisingly well actually he did thank the doctors for doing everything in their power to pull him out of a very difficult situation that he found himself in he did suffer third degree burns and those a very severe it to his face and neck he said he's full of hope for full recovery and he's full of willpower and he actually looked very enthusiastic and upbeat about the whole situation of course considering his circumstances actually he did appear to be quite so on his road to recovery he did speak about person who
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is who has been supposedly behind the attack he did say that he knows exactly who it was but on this particular day today they did not want to talk about the investigation at all so as not to interfere with the investigation he did however mention. he did every see threats before but he also mentioned and this is important according to sygate feeling himself he didn't mention that he's continuing to work with everybody who has been left in charge of the bolshoi theatre he said that nothing about the boy st peter's changing. performances and everything about the theater will be carrying on as before. in kuwait an opposition activist has reportedly been sentenced to five years in prison for criticizing the country's ruler on twitter it's the third time a person has been convicted on such charges in the country in the last two months amnesty international recently washed out of the monarchy for increasing
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restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly protests have been raging against the government since two thousand and eleven resulting crackdown on demonstrators of only fuel dissent tension flared after december's wholefoods boycotted by the opposition one former and m.p. claims democracy in the country has been undermined. and if. we refute claims that the national assembly represents the people of kuwait around seventy percent of the people boycotted the election. and they simply itself was elected thanks to an unconstitutional decree passed by the governments which wanted to parliament it could control its lawmakers have failed to address widespread allegations of corruption so democracy has taken a twisted form and it is the only democracy which is seeing an increase of corruption and if there we will continue to hold peaceful marches on peaceful rallies and we will continue to gather and protest with and want to go to them on more for you online and including how president obama can start
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a cyber war with the push of a button and the website to find out about the executive authority allowing him to launch a preemptive cyber attack i mean country plus. the city and stand where osama bin laden was killed is due to get a bun make over to improve its image head over to r.t. dot com to find out what is the llama bad has in mind for the former home of the world's most wanted terrorist. britain's police have used the identities of dead children as a cover for its officers according to an investigation by the guardian newspaper the parents of the children weren't asked for approval or even informed investigative journalist tony gosling thinks the metropolitan police's methods are completely unacceptable. it's just the latest chapter isn't it of police corruption here in britain i mean i'm pinching myself today wondering if i live in a democracy or not we're talking about the identities of eighty dead children stolen by the police i mean you do want to tell you where else these infiltrations
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have been taking place as well do they have police agents within our political parties where the lines being drawn because it doesn't seem like there are any loans being drawn are absolutely behind the former director of public prosecutions mcdonald who is now saying there must be a public inquiry into these kinds of police practices let's not forget these are crown servants does her majesty know that they're up to this does she approve and i mean there has to be really deep in choir here the guardian of real can of worms and there's absolutely no accountability it seems why these things that have been all through us through through scotland yard the idea that people haven't complained about it therefore it's ok well of course i'm not going to complain about it if they don't know about it it's almost like the scotland yard is being run like some kind of secret cult we've got to break that cult if we're going to have justice south korea and you are so started a joint three day naval training exercise in the east sea mirror's committed
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a rising tensions with the north after pyongyang threatened to conduct another nuclear test erik's iraq and co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war thinks the saber rattling mayle get worse. the worst thing you can do under these circumstances is to inflame volatile situation to conduct these military exercises that always inflame that use live ammunition on the border with north korea this is inflammatory on a lot of levels and we need to step back these naval exercises it's like a race to the bottom if you will when are we going to get more creative in the way that we resolve conflict in this world this conflict gives us such an opportunity with a new secretary of state new leader in south korea we should be pushing for peace suspend these naval exercises and go from there yes there should be non proliferation of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula but we don't even recognize north korea as a nation have a peace treaty or
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a formal relations to deal with these matters what do we expect turning out as some other stories making global headlines bahrain's government set a new date for a long delayed talks with the country's opposition a call for dialogue aimed at resolving the political crisis came amid a new wave of violent clashes between anti regime protesters and police across the country in the capital security forces used tear gas to disperse crowds were hurling fire bombs go off came in has been cracking down on pro-reform demonstrators for two years arresting thousands including many prominent activists . a skeleton found under a car park in the city of leicester in the u.k. has been confirmed is that of king richard the third the monarch was a lasting lish king to be killed in battle back in fourteen eighty five but his grave was lost in the sixteenth century after the demolition of the church he was buried next to remains will be reinterred in leicester cathedral with details of a real burial ceremony yet to be released. demonstrators gathered outside
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germany's parliament protesting against the visit of spain's prime minister mariano rajoy is in berlin to discuss a loan deals economists say are vital to reviving his country's economy during the trip roy once again denied corruption allegations that sparked mass protests in madrid last week the video is from roughly artie's recently founded international video news agency. and united states thousands of people are forced to undergo lie detector tests every year including some very intimate questions that have nothing to do with national security or treason marina porter important met with a former cia employee for more on what's behind the polygraphs. for more than three decades john sullivan worked as a polygraph examiner for america's central intelligence agency today the retired cia employee is offering some strong opinions about the nation's lie detector policy too many honest people are too many people who should be passing their tests
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aren't and there's no there's no accountability for that. last year more than seventy three thousand americans were reportedly required to undergo polygraph tests in order to get or keep jobs with the federal government according to an investigation by mcclatchy newspapers a growing number of u.s. agencies are asking employees and applicants intimate questions that extend way beyond the realm of national security probing matters such as sexual conduct financial matters and past personal relationships a woman was pressured to talk about her experience being molested as a child and when the polar bear for said that he refused to go on with the interrogation he alleges that he was pressured to go back and continue interrogating or a decade ago the national academies an organization advising washington on
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scientific matters urged the feds to stop using polygraphs as a screening technique scientists found that polygraphs aren't reliable enough to prevent innocent people from failing and deceptive candidates from passing i think it's important that the polygraph is not just. for screening it's an interrogation tool lisa ribicoff is an independent polygraph examiner and investigator who uses the polygraph program designed by homeland security she contends that it's ninety eight percent accurate i do think that there are some questions pertaining to some emotional aspects and personal situations should not be included. but i do understand why they're included on the basis of that the government needs to see how exactly what their breaking point is what are they willing to discuss what are they not willing to discuss however applicants who are denied a coveted position after failing a polygraph are prohibited from accessing the records of their interrogation and
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are often barred from contesting the results were filing complaints in federal court in two thousand and four the cia veteran who conducted lie detector interrogations for thirty one years failed his own screening there was absolutely no question in my mind that the test was rigged it's this was a terrible test sullivan lost his security clearance and was denied a job with a federal contracting agency he claims his examiner falsified the results possible retribution for sullivan book detailing america's polygraph system subs a come in for a polygraph test now are guilty until proven innocent and i think that's. a corruption and an abuse of the process the obama administration is now promising to draft a new national polygraph policy that would prevent agencies from pushing legal or ethical boundaries during screenings but at the moment the program has no oversight or accountability meaning tens of thousands of u.s.
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citizens will continue getting personally probes in the name of national security bring up or nine fourteen new york. breaking this still to come you're on our team stay with us. secretary of state hillary clinton recently testified to congress in regards to the attack on the us consulate was killed an american ambassador in benghazi libya during the testimony couldn't rather calmly said things like that the revolutions that sprang up during the arab spring like in libya where the events in bali have created instability and safe havens for terrorists and she made it clear that there is no doubt that the algerian terrorists had weapons from libya so the us secretary
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has basically admitted that the actions of the usa and nato have caused a mass instability that has allowed the seeds of terrorism to grow when the justification for most of the actions in the muslim world is to stop evil dictators who harbor terrorists or spread chatting to mock recy if libya would have been left alone algerian terrorists wouldn't be getting any weapons from it now this is like an exterminator accidently or maybe on purpose actually feeding the roaches in your basements that there are ten times more of them and then saying that he has to keep working because he's the only one who can get rid of the roaches people like hillary clinton who support funding brutal jihad it's rebel groups to overthrow governments to somehow bring about stability and democracy are either dismally stupid or consciously running a very brutal con game but that's just my opinion. you
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live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean the town i know that i'm seeing the same thing really messed up. the old story so personally apologized it's. the worst you are going through the white house of the day the radio guy and columbo minestrone probably one of the large clothes were about to give you never seen anything like this i'm told.
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how a pocket i'm abby mine today i want to introduce you to some medicine a palestinian activists who was detained by the israeli army in two thousand and two during israel's offensive operation dubbed operation defensive shield samaras is sentenced to thirty years in prison but under a deal brokered by egypt he was released in october two thousand and eleven along with four hundred seventy six other palestinian prisoners tragically once again samara was detained last year and for the last one hundred and ninety five days he's been on a hunger strike in protest at his detention without charge or trial without help and pressure from the outside he will surely die and prison without a continued outcry from activists and urgent action from world leaders who are not afraid to stand up to the israeli government they will continue to cross every red line so this sort of injustice bothers you too and if you feel freedom and dignity are things worth.


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